Celebrating the Profession of two Fraternity sisters.
Prayer, ongoing formation, and fellowship are all part of each Fraternity Gathering.
October 20, 2018: Fraternity members visit the Southern Border to sing and pray in solidarity with those who suffer.
At the Southern Border, San Ysidro, California.
January 6, 2019: Immaculate Conception Fraternity singers visited the residents of Nazareth House with prayerful song.
January 13, 2019: Monthly Gathering of the Fraternity.
St. Francis of Assisi with birds and the Wolf of Gubbio
Maureen, Margaret, and Eugene stand before the altar with our Minister, Patricia Grace, OFS at their Profession Mass on February 24, 2019.
Celebrants for the Profession Mass on February 24, 2019: Father Gino Correa, OFM, celebrant; Father Gilbert Gentile, SJ, concelebrant, and Father William Feeney, concelebrant.
Father Gino Correa, OFM with the newly professed and their cake.
Gathering after the Profession Mass on February 24, 2019.
Immaculate Conception Fraternity singers with Father Emmet Farrell at the “Earth Day Celebration” in Balboa Park, April 28, 2019.